Physical Therapy & Massage | Asheville, NC

Offering physical therapy, table massage, and Thai massage to help people get moving, stay moving, and feel better.

Is this your first massage? Are you looking for regular bodywork? Or do you have an injury/pain you would like to address? Find out more about what each of these modalities can offer you.

  • "I've seen Kala for 2 years for my complete ACL tear and have full function of my knee now. Her diligence, enthusiasm, and compassion have made me stronger and more confident. She is inspiring and realistic with a strong academic base. I so appreciate her and as a 69 year old I am ready for whatever challenge -hiking, swimming, biking etc. I chose to not have surgery but I do use a brace for caution at times. It took a lot of hard work but I could not have done it without her!!"

    — Lu Y.

  • "I was referred to Kala for an elbow problem. She fixed it!! So I sent my husband to her for a shoulder problem, and she fixed that, too! Kala truly has magical hands. Even though my problem was fixed, I still see Kala for her fabulous massages. I emphatically recommend Kala without reservation for physical therapy issues, a massage, or both! Plus, she is one of the nicest people I have ever met.”

    — Sharon S.

  • "Kala’s massages are magical! She is incredibly intuitive and versed in a variety of bodywork modalities. Her backgrounds in dance and physical therapy make her unique and exceptionally effective. And her calming and playful energy make her simply wonderful to be around. I cannot recommend her enough."

    — Nerijus B.

  • "Every time I am on the table I feel Kala knows what and where my body needs work and attention. She is deliberate and professional in her movements which helps me feel safe and cared for. I typically fall asleep at some point and know this is a good indication of my comfort level."

    — Alison A.